Last weekend we drove up the
Great Alpine Road to Mount Hotham. It is supposed to be the mountain equivalent of the
Great Ocean Road, which we enjoyed tremendously back in December (wow, was it that long ago?). The Alpine road wasn't as spectacular, but we are going to have to do it again in the spring when the weather is better.We in Omeo (pop: 452) an old gold rush town, for a bite to eat and to rent snow chains for the car ($30 a day rental!). We went for a walk in the snow through
Dinner Plain village (population: 88), hung out with snowmen, and got the car stuck in a snowbank, although we were to cold to have the snowball fight that prompted us to "go to the snow" in the first place. (Australians "go to the snow" the same way they "go to the beach".)

Central Post & Telegraph Office in Omeo, built in 1891, looking over Omeo.

Omeo from above. Valleys of rolling hills.

Steve digging the car out of the snowbank
(no chains on the tires yet).

Jessica playing in the snow.

Steve with a new friend.

Keep left of poles. I don't think I'd try to drive through the trees, but who knows?

Watch out for unfenced snow kangaroos!